I've been thinking lately about the church being relevant in the world. I have been starting to realize that maybe the more important issue is individuals being relevant to those around them. Maybe that really is more important of the two issues. When someone walks into a church they know why they are there. People don't normally wander into a church because they wonder what all this "christian stuff" is all about. It might happen, but I believe it is rare.
On the other hand individuals that we work with, people we become friends with, neighbors or even family see us. They get to know us. Instead of an institution they see an individual. A church as a whole is a place for corporate worship, fellowship, community, ministry, instruction, etc. An individual is a chance for others to see on an individual basis who and what Jesus is.
So how do we stay relevant to those around us? Do we talk about loving Jesus every second we can? Do we witness every chance we get? I strongly believe the answer is a resounding NO!
If we look at Jesus' example time and time again He met people where they were. He went into a house that shocked others, He met someone in their most desperate hour, He shocked and dismayed the local leaders with His ministry. He considered the individual much more important than the sanctity of the religion of the time.
I think we have to realize what are the societal rules and religious rules of our day. I think we also have to realize what our own personal limits are. Is it wrong to go into a bar and have a drink with a coworker? I really don't believe so. While it is wrong to go get drunk with the coworker I see no harm in going to relate to someone you work with. What if said co-worker has never met a follower of Christ willing to come to them? What if the only way that that co-worker will open up to you is if you come down to their level and show your human side?
The question that needs to be asked is what is going to help you with this friend, co-worker, family member, etc? What can I do to become relevant to them? One MUST use discernment and examine their own heart as to what the boundaries are and what will help you reach out. Fortunately I believe we don't often need to push our personal limits to become relevant.
I think that showing your human side is the crux of staying relevant to those around you. While it is exceptionally important to show your divine side I think it needs to be that. Showing. Not talking. Because as we all know actions are more important than words. Being an everyday witness. However you decide to show your human side is up to you. I believe that those that know you love Jesus will ask you on their own about Him when they are ready.
My husband and I have often experienced this more often than not in our ministry. If we come down to someone on their level they will spontaneously ask about Jesus. We invite them over for dinner, we set up play dates with their kids, we give someone a ride to work when their car breaks down, we listen to family troubles and just listen. Eventually people realize that we have something that they want, that we have qualities the they appreciate. Suddenly a door is flung open wide because of the work of the Holy Spirit prompting their hearts and they start to ask questions.
So when everyone is asking 'how do we make the church more relevant?' I feel the question that should be asked is 'how do we make ourselves more relevant?"
So how do you make yourself relevant?